
How Long To Soak Almonds To Remove Skins

Today I'g gonna exist showing you how to blanch almonds, and how to brand your ain blanched almond flour at home.

two piles of almonds and one pile of almond flour to show the stages of how to blanch and how to make almond flour

Blanching almonds means yous're taking the skin off the almonds. The process is simple, so be sure to picket my video tutorial above.

You'll see that once the almonds are soaked in hot water for a few seconds, the peel slips right off when y'all squeeze them betwixt your fingers. It's and so piece of cake to do, and takes no time. But one tip I can requite yous is to not let your almonds dry! When they are dry, the skin sticks to the almonds over again and you can't easily remove it. If this happens, you demand to soak the almonds once more to loosen the skin.

So my best tip is to process them equally fine as you can, then sift the flour through a fine mesh sieve to remove the lager chunks (see in video).

But yous may be request, why remove the peel off of the almonds to make almond flour?

The answer is simply because using fair-skinned almond flour in baking gives baked goods a much fluffier and lighter texture. You can bake with regular almond flour, just if you practice a comparison, you'll notice the different consistency.

close up of a glass bowl of almond flour with spatula  sitting on wooden table

A final important note I want to brand is that it's very hard to grind almonds to fine powder at habitation, then be certain to sift your flour. Commercial grinders do a better chore, but like I always say, not all brands that sell almond flour give you good results in baking. My personal favorite brands are Honeyville, Welbee's, and Blue Diamond.

Below you can see I made a batch of muffins (recipe here), i using store-bought almond flour and the other using my bootleg almond flour. The results are interesting and they both came out tasting delicious and had a great texture.

two almond flour muffins on marble table showing the difference between store bought and homemade almond flour

But there were some differences. As you can see the muffin made with my homemade almond flour is a piddling flatter on top. The texture inside was like to the muffin made with store-bought flour, only information technology was non quite equally fluffy. Likewise the concoction was thinner, and seemed to not blot some of the moisture in the recipe. In the end, both muffins were corking, and if y'all use this method of making blanched almond flour at home, you'll too accept practiced results.

Promise you give this a try, and later on you lot bake with your homemade flour, delight post your photos in the comments beneath so I can run across the results.

Almond flour recipes to try

  • Peanut Butter Cup Banana Breadstuff

  • Blueberry Bread With Lemon Glaze

  • Zucchini Muffins (Gluten-free, Paleo)

  • Mango Muffins with Coconut-Lime Streusel

🎥 Watch the recipe video

How to blanch almonds and brand almond flour


How to Blanch Almonds and Make Almond Flour

Servings : 1 cup

Prep : 15 mins

Prevent your screen from going dark

  • ane cup whole almonds

To meet the brands I use, click each ingredient above or visit my Amazon shop.

Blanching Almonds:

  • Fill up a large pot with water and bring information technology to a boil. Once the water is boiling, add the almonds and cook for well-nigh 30 seconds.

  • Identify the almonds in a strainer and run them in cold water to cool them downward. Remove the skin of each almond with your fingers. The skin should come up right off.

  • Spread the skinless almonds in one layer, in a large cookie sheet, and allow them dry in a absurd, nighttime place similar your oven or pantry.

Making Almond Flour:

  • Once your almonds are dry out, identify them in a food processor and pulse to interruption them down. Process them as fine as possible, merely exist careful to non process them too much or they will start to release some of the oils and turn into almond butter.

  • Sift the flour with a fine mesh sieve to remove whatsoever larger chunks. Store your almond flour in an closed container in a cool dark place like your pantry or refrigerator.

Be sure to watch my video tutorial above 🙂

Food processor

Calories: 548 kcal Poly peptide: 20 k Fatty: 47 g Fiber: 11 g Carbohydrates: 20 g Internet Carbs: ix thou

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