
Can You Update Android Version On Tablet

Every Android owner wants to get the best possible experience when using a smartphone or tablet. We want the latest features everyone is talking about, and nosotros certainly won't say no to security and operation improvements. How to make that happen? The answer is very simple by updating the software. It is of import to point out yous can update your telephone or tablet to the latest Android version available for your device. This means that you may not be able to install Android Lollipop, Marshmallow, or Nougat if your device is non supported.

Hither, we are going to talk about benefits of software updates, and nosotros will share a step by pace guide to prove you lot how to run into which Android version y'all are running and how to update your Android device.

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Why you should update Android smartphone or tablet

A software update will bring improvements in the security of your device and its performance. All the same, those are not the only benefits you can count on. If y'all are experiencing whatever issues on your Android device, Android update may assist you lot go rid of them considering a new software version brings bug fixes. If a certain version of Android has some bugs, a new ane will address them and it will bring the fixes. For example – y'all accept noticed your device is a scrap sluggish lately. Subsequently downloading and installing the software update, random lag issues volition disappear. Also, the management of the resources will exist more efficient and the performance of the battery volition increase likewise. You volition get some new and cool features, and of form, better user experience overall.

How To Update Android (Samsung, LG, HTC, Huawei, Nexus, etc.)

We accept listed the benefits of software updates, and now we can move to the guide and bear witness you how to update Android. Before y'all head to the option that allows you to see if the update is available, you may first go and look which version of Android you have.

  • Navigate to Settings
  • Gyre down and tap About phone (About tablet, About device,etc.)

  • You lot will come across a broad range of information regarding your device, including Android version.

If you lot own an older smartphone model, yous may already have the latest Android version available for it. On the other paw, owners of newer smartphones, and phones that are in the high-end category can expect the latest version with top notch features coming their way. Nexus devices get the Android update get-go.

Before yous update Android

At that place are a couple of things to practise before you update Android. Here they are:

  • Charge your Android smartphone or tablet.
  • Don't forget to dorsum up your data. Android update won't delete your files, but if the update goes south, you want your data backed up.
  • Connect to a Wi-Fi network. Avoid downloading the latest Android version using your mobile data.

Android update

You are now set up to update Android. Follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to Settings
  • Roll down and tap About telephone (Nearly tablet, Nearly device, etc.)
  • You lot volition see Software update or System update at the superlative. Tap on it. Your device will start searching for the update (On some Android phones and tablets, there may exist an boosted step and you lot may need to tap Check for update or Online update).

If Android update is bachelor, you will be asked if y'all desire to download and install it. Select Yes. Your device will download and install the latest Android software update, and information technology will reboot.

Wrapping it upwardly

As you may run into, installing the latest Android version is pretty simple. It does not crave also much time, tech knowledge, or effort. Only make sure you don't skip "before update" steps as you lot don't want to lose your files or go a telephone bill that is too high because yous downloaded the update using the mobile data.

We take discussed why you should update Android and nosotros have listed the master benefits of it. You get to savour meliorate performance, new features, and many other cool stuff, which brand the whole matter super exciting and fun.


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