
How To Update A Modded Minecraft Server

How To Update a Modpack

Last modified on Dec 13, 2021 in Control Console

mc head By ApexHosting

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Modpacks are an excellent way to bring excitement to your Minecraft Server which is why we host a broad variety of modpacks for our ane-click installation in the command console. However, frequently at that place are new updates and patches released for these modpacks. We know how important information technology is to stay up to date on these packs and you may want to update to these new versions that are released. This is not done automatically when we push the updates, but nosotros volition teach you how you lot can manually update the pack to our latest version.

How to update a Modpack

Checking for an update

To exercise this you must start check if there is a new update bachelor. You can check this from our Version List.

The Version List has all of our game versions and modpacks listed. Yous will encounter two parts on each modpack, latest dev and Noon current. Apex current is what we currently accept it updated to, we attempt to go on the pack always updated to the latest dev however if it is non updated and you don't want to look, you will have to manually install the modpack. You tin discover a guide on doing this here.

Updating Through Panel

  1. Navigate to your Noon Server Panel, and so terminate the server.
  2. In the bottom-left, select Reset Server Files.
  3. Cheque the JAR File pick only, and then printing Reset Server.

    Modpack Update

  4. When prompted, type in "reset", then press Reset Files.
  5. Start the server support.

The jar file should now be updated to the latest available version available!

Updating Through FTP

  1. One time you see that a new update is available and has been updated on the Version Checker you will want to go to your game panel and end the server.
  2. Now that the server has been stopped, go to FTP File Access and open the jar binder.
  3. Inside will exist three files. Minecraft Server Jar, Libraries directory and the modpack server jar.
  4. You volition run across a jar file named similar to the pack you are running. For example, on the RLCraft pack the jar volition be named rl_craft.jar. Delete this file from the jar folder.

    Update Modpack

  5. Once the file has been deleted you will so want to get back to the panel and restart the server.

  6. If the server seems to be endlessly restarting yous may demand to do the /fml confirm command in order for the server to fully start due to changes with the mods and/or forge. If everything is done correctly then the modpack will exist successfully updated.

Common Issues

Server stuck on startup:
If the server seems to exist stuck on starting, it is highly likely that y'all demand to type the `/fml ostend` control into the console in order to starting time the server fully. When changes are made to the mods or Forge, information technology may crave this command.

Server still non updated:
If you lot have followed these steps and it'south yet non updated, make certain that we have it updated on our side from our Version Checker. If you confirm this, stop the server and try to delete the entire jar folder from your FTP File Access. If yous are notwithstanding experiencing issues, experience free to contact our support to assist with this further.

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