
How To Update Your Spigot Server

This article is for those looking for a detailed and articulate guide on how to upgrade spigot on Ubuntu Server with Multicraft.

Spigot is a modified Minecraft server congenital on acme of the CraftBukkit core. Spigot is known for its stability, performance, support for a large number of plugins and is intended to supplant CraftBukkit.

In this guide, nosotros will consider the case when y'all already have a server with the Ubuntu Server twenty.04 LTS operating system installed on information technology.

You can read more than well-nigh how to install Ubuntu Server twenty.04 LTS in my guide "Install Ubuntu Server xx.04 LTS".

Also, the server must have Multicraft, OpenJDK and Git installed.

You tin can notice out how to install Multicraft on Ubuntu Server by reading "Install Multicraft on Ubuntu Server".

To install OpenJDK and Git on the server, you can use the control:

                          sudo              apt              install              -y              default-jdk git          

In addition, OpenSSH must be installed on the server, and port 22 must be open in order to be able to connect to the server using the SSH protocol.

To install OpenSSH on a server, you lot can use the command:

                          sudo              apt              install              openssh-server          

If you programme to connect to the server using the Windows operating system, y'all can utilize PuTTY, a free client for various remote admission protocols, including SSH, Telnet, rlogin.

This guide describes how to connect to a server using the iTerm2 terminal emulator installed on the macOS operating arrangement.

We connect to the Multicraft server on which we plan to update Spigot.

Permit'southward create a new directory that we need to create a new version of Spigot using the command:

                          sudo mkdir              BuildTools          

Upgrade Spigot on Ubuntu Server with Multicraft

Go to the new directory using the control:

                          cd              BuildTools          

Upgrade Spigot on Ubuntu Server with Multicraft

Load the "BuildTools.jar" file using the control:

                          sudo              wget          

The "BuildTools.jar" file is required to create a new version of Spigot.

Upgrade Spigot on Ubuntu Server with Multicraft

Permit's make changes to the Git configuration using the command:

                          sudo              git config              --global              --unset              core.autocrlf          

Upgrade Spigot on Ubuntu Server with Multicraft

Nosotros start creating a new version of Spigot using the command:

                          sudo              coffee              -jar              BuildTools.jar          

Upgrade Spigot on Ubuntu Server with Multicraft

The new version of Spigot has been successfully created and is available in the previously created "BuildTools" directory.

Now you need to supersede the one-time version of Spigot with the new one so that Spigot starts correctly with Multicraft.

This guide covers updating Spigot on a server with the Multicraft command panel installed.

Notice the location of the old version of Spigot using the control:

                          sudo              find /              -name              'spigot*.jar'                      

Upgrade Spigot on Ubuntu Server with Multicraft

The former version is in the directory:


Let's create a backup copy of the sometime version of Spigot using the command:

                          sudo mv              /home/minecraft/multicraft/jar/spigot.jar /abode/minecraft/multicraft/jar/spigot.jar.quondam          

Upgrade Spigot on Ubuntu Server with Multicraft

Permit's copy the new version of Spigot to the place of the former version using the control:

                          sudo cp              /abode/ubuntu/BuildTools/spigot-*              /abode/minecraft/multicraft/jar/spigot.jar          

Upgrade Spigot on Ubuntu Server with Multicraft

Let'due south enable execution of the "spigot.jar" file using the command:

                          sudo chmod              +10 /home/minecraft/multicraft/jar/spigot.jar          

Upgrade Spigot on Ubuntu Server with Multicraft

Allow'south adjust the owner and group for the "spigot.jar" file using the command:

                          sudo chown              -R              minecraft:minecraft /habitation/minecraft/multicraft/jar/spigot.jar          

Please annotation that by default Multicraft runs every bit "minecraft" username. Therefore, the owner of the new version of Spigot must be the user "minecraft".

Upgrade Spigot on Ubuntu Server with Multicraft

The Spigot update has been successfully completed and you can now correctly launch the modified Minecraft server using Multicraft.

For details on how to commencement a Minecraft server using Multicraft, you tin read my guide "Run a Minecraft Server with Multicraft".


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